06 March 2009

Tedious, for sure

So, I was rather grumpy last night, and after laying out the pattern for my next quilt, I decided to attack that quilt that needs to come undone. I wasn't feeling much in the way of actually getting off my butt last night, so I parked myself on the sofa, with scissors, seam ripper, and mangled quilt, and began to pick.

It breaks down like this: I had only quilted about 1/4 of the quilt, if that. In about 3 hours of relatively constant picking, I maybe got through about 1/4 of that. It is time intensive, and super tedious. Not something I'm going to rush through, or strive to finish. It's that thing that's there when I need something to do with my hands, but don't really feel like doing anything. Or something to do to show that I'm not just a lazy bum who sits and watches tv. I'm actually doing something. The tv is just there in the background.

In other news, I'm thinking about revisiting crocheting. Not as a full time project, but as something to keep my hands busy, to take with me when I go somewhere. Sewing is not so portable (unless you feel like lugging a machine around), except maybe at the finishing stages. I've got a ton of yarn sitting in the basement. Who knows what might happen. Basically, my thinking is that I've unleashed this creative side of me, really released it, and have found a craft that I'm decent at, that I'm sticking with, that shows me, in a relatively short time frame, that I can in fact complete something worth completing. And now, when I'm sitting around with nothing to work on, it agitates me. So, the yarn will at least be a place holder when I can't take my sewing with me.

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